Monday, November 21, 2011

16才のテーマ - juu-roku sai no THEME

Release:  5/1/1975
Rank:  3rd (Oricon)
Singles:  「冬の色」 A side; 「湖の決心」 A & B sides.
Obi:  何が起る! 16才の新しいページ!  (What will happen! A new page at 16!)
Notes:  Narration is included in some of these tracks.  The title is "Theme of 16".

1.  湖の決心 (mizuumi no kesshin) [Resolution of a Lake]
2.  冬の色 (fuyu no iro) [Color of Winter]
3.  春の奇蹟 (haru no kiseki) [Spring Miracle]
4.  ふたりに春が (futari ni haru ga) [Spring is To Us...]
5.  ともだちそれとも妹 (tomodachi soretomo imouto) [Friends or Little Sister?]
6.  新しい地図 (atarashii chizu) [New Map]
7.  少年の海 -出逢い- (shonen no umi -deai-) [Sea of Youths -Encounter-]
8.  乾いた唇 (kawaita kuchibiru) [Dry Lips]
9.  炎の前で (honoo no mae de) [Before a Flame]
10. 噂の少女 (uwasa no shojo) [Rumored Girl]
11. 涙のことづて -手紙- (namida no kotozute -tegami-) [Message of Tears -Letter-]
12. 美え貝 (miegai)***

***I'm not sure how to translate this...

6th album 16才のテーマ

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