Monday, November 21, 2011

としごろ - Toshigoro

Release:  8/21/1973
Rank:  55th (Oricon)
Singles:  「としごろ」 A & B sides
Obi:  スター誕生! 山口百恵のファースト・アルバム キラキラした太陽のようにまぶしい14才の世界!  (A STAR is born! Yamaguchi Momoe's FIRST ALBUM/14 Year Old's world sparkling like the sun!)
Notes:  Tracks 7-12 are covers.
Opinion:  Here she is, in all her nasally young-girl voice glory!  Momoe's debut album is nothing but cliche idol fare suiting her childish image.  Unfortunately, compared to her other albums, most if not all the original tracks are forgettable.  Her voice is peppy and bright on her debut single, though (Track 1).  The ballads (Tracks 4 and 5) have nice melody to them, but the lyrics are pretty standard teenage angst.  Apparently in the early 70s, it was popular for artists to have half of their albums feature cover tracks, either from recent hits in Japan or America/UK/France, or hits from the previous decade.  Momoe's album was no exception.

1.  としごろ (toshigoro) [That Age]
2.  ひとりぼっちのあなた (hitori-bocchi no anata) [You're All Alone]
3.  叱らないでね (shikaranaide ne) [Don't Scold Me]
4.  文通 (buntsuu) [Exchanging Letters]
5.  明日はいいことが... (ashita ha ii koto ga...) [Tomorrow A Good Thing Will...]
6.  あのひと (ano hito) [That Person]
7.  バケイション (VACATION) - Connie Francis cover 
8.  悲しき16才 (kanashiki juu-roku sai) - Kathy Linden's "Heartaches At Sweet Sixteen" cover
9.  可愛いベイビー (kawaii BABY) - Connie Francis' "Pretty Little Baby" cover
10. レモンのキッス (LEMON no KISS) [Lemon Kiss] - Nancy Sinatra's "Like I Do" cover
11. ボーイハント (BOYHUNT) - Connie Francis' "Where the Boys Are" cover
12. 大人になりたい (otona ni naritai) [Wannabe an Adult] - Connie Francis' "Too Many Rules" cover

1st album としごろ

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