Wednesday, September 21, 2011

パールカラーにゆれて - PEARL COLOR ni yurete

Release:  12/5/1976
Rank:  6th (Oricon)
Singles:  「パールカラーにゆれて」 A & B sides; 「赤い衝撃」 A & B sides
Obi:  ゆれる百恵 青春の真ん中で・・・・・・・・・  (Wavering Momoe/In the middle of youth...)
Notes:  The title can mean "Flickering in Pearl Color".
Opinion:  I think this was the last in a series of "transition" albums for Momoe, from a childish-sounding idol to a true singing star.  She still is singing mostly standard idol fare, actually quite depressing ballads.  But you can hear in her lead single the makings of a classic, and the maturation of her lyrics.  Love the disco-ish Track 3,7 and 10, and the bossa nova-ish Track 6.

1.  パールカラーにゆれて (PEARL COLOR ni yurete) [Flickering In Pearl Color]
2.  ある1ページ (aru ichi PAGE) [One Page]
3.  嘆きのサブウェイ (nageki no SUBWAY) [Subway of Sorrow]
4.  君に涙のくちづけを (kimi ni namida no kuchizuke wo) [Tearful Kiss for You]
5.  雨に願いを (ame ni negai wo) [Wishing On Rain]
6.  モノトーンの肖像画 (MONOTONE no shouzouga) [Monotone Portrait]
7.  赤い衝撃 (akai shougeki) [Red Shock]
8.  愁いノート (urei NOTE) [Sad Note]
9.  青春の翳り (seishun no kageri) [Shade of Youth]
10. 涼やかなひと (suzuyakana hito) [Cool Person]
11. オレンジ・ブロッサム・ブルース (ORANGE BLOSSOM BLUES)
12. 走れ風と共に (hashire kaze to tomo ni) [With the Running Wind]

10th Album パールカラーにゆれて

Sunday, September 11, 2011

百恵白書 - Momoe hakusho

Release:  5/21/1977
Rank:  3rd (Oricon)
Singles:  None.
Obi:  このアルバムは、私の分身、この中に18歳の、そう制服をぬいだわたしのすべてが入っています 山口百恵  (This album is my self, my 18 year old self with the school uniform off, my everything is inside.  Yamaguchi Momoe.)
Notes:  This was her first concept album.  The title could mean "Momoe's Blank Page".
Opinion:  A very personal album touching on things like where she came from (Yokosuka), a typical "day" for her (Track 2), to a tribute to the 4 heroines she played in the "Red Series" dramas (a huge 9 minute Track 4).  Track 5 is a very cute spoken track.

1.  I CAME FROM 横須賀 (Yokosuka)
2.  鏡の中のある日 (kagami no naka no aru hi) [A Day in the Mirror]
3.  いた・せくすありす (ita sekusuarisu) [Vita Sexualis]
4.  赤のシリーズ・四人の少女に捧げる 約束 (aka no SERIES yonnin no shojyo ni sasageru Yakusoku) [Red Series: Dedicated to Four Girls: Promise]
5.  間奏曲 (kansoukyoku) [Interlude]
6.  二十歳前夜 (hatachi zenya) [Eve of 20 Years Old]
7.  お菓子職人 (okashi shokunin) [Candy Maker]
8.  ボーイッシュ・ベイビー (BOYISH BABY)
9.  ミス・ディオール (MISS DIOR)
10. 歌い継がれていく歌のように (utai-tsugareteiku uta no you ni) [Like a Song Passed Down Through the Ages]
11. 「スター誕生」AGAIN (STAR tanjou) [Birth of a Star Again]

11th Album 百恵白書 


Release:  8/21/1977
Rank:  3rd (Oricon)
Singles:  None.
Obi:  ロックンロール・ガイズ&百恵 今、最高にホットな音が聞える!! 山口百恵・ロンドン録音盤 (ROCK 'N ROLL GUYS & Momoe/Now, the best hot sound can be heard!!  Yamaguchi Momoe LONDON recording)
Notes:  This was Momoe's first overseas recording.  Track 10 is a completely different recording of her single 「イミテイション・ゴールド」.
Opinion:  A groovy rock-inspired album.  I realized I liked a lot more tracks than I thought I did after listening to it over again.  This is one of those albums that you can just put on in the background, it's so mellow and cool to listen to.

1.  MADE IN U.F.O.
2.  BLACK CAB(ロンドン・タクシー) (LONDON TAXI)
6.  愛のTWILIGHT TIME (ai no...) [Love's Twilight Time]
7.  PORTBELLOの銀時計 ( gin-dokei) [Portbello's Silver Clock]
8.  嵐ヶ丘 (arashi ga oka) [Wuthering Heights]
9.  SEINEより愛をこめて (SEINE yori ai wo komete) [From the Seine with Love]


花ざかり - Hana-zakari

Release:  12/5/1977
Rank: 7th (Oricon)
Singles:  「イミテイション・ゴールド」 B-side; 「秋桜」 A & B sides
Obi:  花一輪、あなたに届けます(A flower, I give to you.)
Notes:  The title means "Flower in full bloom".  
Opinion:  A sentimental flower themed album, including one of her biggest singles, "Cosmos".  Most of the tracks are quite sad lyrically, but this album isn't a downer at all!  Released in winter, it speaks of coming spring.  It was a great theme album for Momoe to do.

1.  花筆文字 (hana fude moji) [Flower Calligraphy]
2.  陽のあたる坂道 (hi no ataru saka-michi) [Sunlit Hill]
3.  悲願花 (higan-bana) [Wish Flower]
4.  言わぬが花 (iwanu ga hana) [Silence is Golden]
5.  青い羊歯-アジアンタム- (aoi shida -ADIANTUM-) [Blue Fern Adiantum]
6.  飛騨の吊り橋 (Hida no tsuri-bashi) [Suspended Bridge of Hida]*
7.  秋桜 (aki-zakura) [Cosmos]
8.  あまりりす (amaririsu) [Amaryllis]
9.  ドライフラワー (DRY FLOWER)
10. 1 23
11. 最後の頁(ぺージ) (saigo no PAGE) [Last Page]
12. 寒椿 (kan-tsubaki) [Frozen Camellia]

*Hida is the old name for Gifu Prefecture.

13th Album 花ざかり 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Release:  5/1/1978
Rank:  8th (Oricon)
Singles:  None.
Obi:  星の化身のように宇宙空間を漂う、百恵。  (Momoe, like embodying the stars, floats through space.)
Notes:  Space themed album.  Track 5 was Momoe's first written song, under her pen name Yokosuka Kei (横須賀 恵).  Track 9 is the album version of the single 「乙女座宮」.  Track 7 has a piano part reminiscent of the single 「秋桜」, which also means "Cosmos", but the flower.
Opinion:  This is a fun, upbeat flight through the stars, just like the obi-saying promises!  Very fun and enjoyable, and I'd recommend this to a beginner Momoe fan to sample some of her work.  Love her English in Track 1, and the groovy Track 8.  Track 5 is one of my all time favorite Momoe tracks.  Love the lyrics.

3.  銀河カフェテラス (ginga CAFE TERRACE) [Galaxy Cafe Terrace]
4.  宇宙旅行のパンフレット (uchuu ryokou no PAMPHLET) [Space Travel Pamphlet]
5.  銀色のジプシー (gin-iro no GYPSY) [Silver Gypsy]
6.  ただよいの中で (tadayoi no naka de) [Drifting in the Midst]
7.  COSMOS(宇宙) (uchuu) [Space]
8.  軌道修正 (kidoushuusei) [Orbit Adjustment]
9.  乙女座宮 (otomeza-kyuu) [Born Under Virgo]
11. 時の扉 (toki no tobira) [Door of Time]

14th Album COSMOS 

ドラマチック - DRAMATIC

Release:  9/1/1978
Rank:  6th (Oricon)
Singles:  「プレイバックPart2」 A-side; 「絶対絶命」 A-side
Obi:  大胆に、そして繊細に奏でる百恵像。  (A bold and subtly played image of Momoe.)
Notes:  While on a music show Track 10 made her cry while she was singing.  Even her recording on the album sounds like she is tearing up.
Opinion:  Like the obi-saying goes, this is an enjoyable album of bold, power songs (like the 2 singles) with sultry, romantic ballads/mid-tempo songs, ever so slightly evoking exotica like the desert, Spain, Egypt, etc.  Very sexy!  Love the album cover.

1.  サンタマリアの熱い風 (SANTA MARIA no atsui kaze) [Hot Wind of Santa Maria]
2.  幻へようこそ (maboroshii e youkoso) [Welcome To The Vision]
3.  蜃気楼 (shinkirou) [Mirage]
4.  絶体絶命 (zettai zetsumei) [A Desperate Situation]
5.  水鏡 (mizu kagami) [Reflection]
6.  ヒ・ロ・イ・ン (HEROINE)
7.  空蝉 (utsusemi) [Shell of the Cicada]
8.  或る女・・・或る日 (aru onna...aru hi) [That Woman...That Day]
9.  霧雨楼 (kiri same-rou) [Misty Rain Tower]
10. ラスト・ソング (LAST SONG)
11. プレイバック part2 (PLAYBACK part2)

15th Album ドラマチック

曼珠沙華 - Manjyushaka

Release:  12/21/1978
Rank:  7th (Oricon)
Singles:  「いい日旅たち」 A-side
Obi:  あなたの前で女でありたい。私はもうはたち…  (I ought to be a woman in front of you.  I'm already 20...)
Notes:  Track 6 would later be a B-side to the single 「美・サイレント」.  Track 3 would be released as a single in 1994 with a new arrangement.
Opinion:  The theme of being an "adult" was really pushed all over this album, since it commemorated her 20th birthday.  It kicks off with her biggest single, which is a ballad about a woman going off to get married the next day.  I think each track reflects shades of being a woman, from being a jealous lover (Track 4) to an innocent girl wanting to know what love is (Track 8), to being nostalgic for early adolescence (Track 10).

1.  いい日旅立ち (ii hi tabi-dachi) [A Good Day to Start a Journey]
2.  Shrewd Fellow
3.  惜春通り (sekishun douri) [The Way of Lamenting Spring's Passing]
4.  ジェラシー (JEALOUSY)
5.  夢のあとさき (yume no atosaki) [Consequences of Dreams]
6.  曼珠沙華 (Manjushaka) [Spider Lily]
7.  横須賀サンセット・サンライズ (Yokosuka SUNSET SUNRISE)
8.  Pretty Harlot
9.  ひとふさの葡萄 (hitofusa no budou) [A Bunch of Grapes]
10. 十五の頃 (紅梅集) (juu-go no koro - koubaishuu) [At 15 (Crimson Collection)]
11. ひといろ足りない虹のように (hito-iro tarinai niji no you ni) [Like a Rainbow Missing One Color]
12. 横須賀サンセット・サンライズ

16th Album 曼珠沙華 

A Face in a Vision

Release:  4/1/1979
Rank:  3rd (Oricon)
Singles:  「美・サイレント」 A-side
Obi:  出逢いから今日まで 篠山紀信の映像からこんなにも美しい音の世界が生まれた。NHK特集「山口百恵」激写・篠山紀信  (From their meeting till today/From Shinoyama Kishin's photos, this beautiful world of sound is born.  NHK Special "Yamaguchi Momoe Spectacular Photo: Shinoyama Kishin")
Notes:  This album was made with the above noted TV special which aired in 1980.  It came with a 20 page photo book.
Opinion:  This is a cute and very interesting album.  Some tracks are downright weird (Track 1, Track 8).  But there is a touch of concept album in all her tracks, so I can't complain on some of the out-there tracks.  Love the story of Track 6, the disco-ness of Track 7 (and lyrics are cute as well).

1.  マホガニー・モーニング (MAHOGANY MORNING)
2.  愛の行方 (ai no yukue) [Love's Whereabouts]
3.  悲しきドラマー・マン (kanashiki DRUMMER MAN) [Sad Drummer Man]
4.  おだやかな構図 (odayakana kouzu) [Gentle Composition]
5.  美・サイレント (bi・SILENT) [Beauty・Silent]
6.  デイ・ドリーム (DAY DREAM)
7.  ギャルソン・アミ (GARÇON AMI)
8.  喰べられてしまった獏 (taberareteshimatta baku) [Eaten By the Tapir]
9.  水曜日のクオレ (suiyoubi no CUORE) [Wednesday Cuore]
10. 想い出のミラージュ (omoide no MIRAGE) [Mirage of Memories]
11. 夜へ… (yoru e) [To the Night...)

17th Album A Face in a Vision

L.A. Blue

Release:  7/21/1979
Rank:  2nd (Oricon)
Singles:  None
Obi:  ロスアンゼルス録音 最強のミュージシャンによるタイトなサウンド 百恵はやっぱり期待以上のヴォーカリストだった  (Los Angeles recording/The greatest musicians with the tightest sound/Momoe was most certainly the most awaited vocalist)
Notes:  Recorded entirely in Los Angeles.  Track 5 and 10 were written by Momoe, under her pen name Yokosuka Kei (横須賀 恵).
Opinion:  This collection of songs is probably my second favorite album.  Very mature, from mellow grooves to sexy slow numbers.  I love Track 6 (a calypso beat number) and Track 7.

2.  喪服さがし (mofuku sagashi) [Shopping for Mourning Clothes]
4.  タイトスカート (TIGHT SKIRT)
6.  センチメンタル・ハリケーン (SENTIMENTAL HURRICANE)
7.  BACK TO BACK (背中あわせ) (senaka-awase)
8.  猫が見ている (neko ga miteiru) [A Cat Is Watching]

18th Album L.A. Blue

春告鳥 - Haru Tsuge-dori

Release:  2/1/1980
Rank:  5th (Oricon)
Singles:  「愛の嵐」 A-side; 「しなやかに歌って」 A & B Sides; 「愛染橋」 A & B Sides
Obi:  春ふたたび、鮮やかに新しい歌が生まれる  (Spring once again, a new song is brightly born)
Notes:  "Haru Tsuge-dori" can mean "Bird That Tells Of Spring".
Opinion:  A beautiful spring-themed album.  A lot of "pretty" tracks I'd like to call them, showing off Momoe's beautiful romantic voice.  Don't worry, there are upbeat songs too of course!  Three singles from 1979 are included.  I'm wondering if "sayonara no mukou gawa" is an answer song to Track 7...

1.  春爛漫 (haru ranman) [Spring In Full Bloom]
2.  イノセント -純粋- (INNOCENT -junsui-)
3.  娘たち (musume-tachi) [Maidens]
4.  抱きしめられて (dakishimerarete) [Embraced]
5.  愛染橋 (aizen-bashi) [Aizen Bridge]
6.  愛の嵐 (ai no arashi) [Storm of Love]
7.  ほゝえみのむこう側 (hohoemi no mukou-gawa) [The Otherside of a Smile]
9.  夕暮からあなたへ (yuugure kara anata e) [From Twilight To You]
10. しなやかに歌って (shinayaka ni utatte) [Sing Brightly]

19th Album 春告鳥

メビウス・ゲーム - MÖBIUS'S GAME

Release:  5/21/1980
Rank:  6th (Oricon)
Singles: 「ロックンロール・ウィドウ」 B-side
Obi:  終りあって終りなし 百恵のワンダーワールド!!  (End of endless/Momoe's WONDER WORLD!!)
Notes:  Track 1 is the album version; has a bit more music in the riffs and a longer intro than the single version.
Opinion:  Obviously a bit more rock-inspired, but has some nice ballads mixed in (love Track 2 and 10).  I don't really get where Momoe was going with this album though, maybe it could almost be a concept album?

1.  ロックンロール・ウィドウ (ROCK 'N ROLL WIDOW)
2.  哀愁のコニーアイランド (aishuu no CONEY ISLAND) [Sad Coney Island]
3.  のぞきからくり (nozoki karakuri) [Peeping Trick]
4.  ペーパー・ドリーム (PAPER DREAM)
5.  アポカリプス・ラブ (APOCALYPSE LOVE)
6.  テクノ・パラダイス (TECHNO PARADISE)
7.  恋のホットライン (koi no HOT LINE) [Love Hot Line]
8.  ワン・ステップ・ビヨンド (ONE STEP BEYOND)
9.  E=MC²
10. バイオレット・ラプソディー (VIOLET RHAPSODY) 

20th Album メビウス・ゲーム 

不死鳥伝説 - Phoenix Densetsu

Release:  8/21/1980
Rank:  6th (Oricon)
Singles:  「さよならの向こう側」 A & B sides
Obi:  蘇ると約束するわ 心だけは永遠の生きもの... (Be reborn and make a promise/only the soul lives forever...)
Notes:  Momoe's rock opera.
Opinion: W E S O M E!  This is probably her best album IMO, and Track 3 should have been a single.  Kick-ass, rocking Momoe on Track 8.  Cute idol Momoe on Track 4.  Disco Momoe on Track 9!  She has it all here!  The tracks go together to tell a story of... birth, love, betrayal, and death, and rebirth again.

1.  序曲 (jyokyoku) [Prelude]
2.  海から零へ (umi kara rei e) [From the Sea to Nothing]
3.  不死鳥伝説 (fushicho densetsu) [Phoenix Legend]
4.  Miss Boy
5.  ブラックボール (BLACK BALL)
6.  テレパシーナ (TELEPASHINA)
7.  WHO
8.  スペース・トラブル危機一髪 (SPACE TROUBLE kiki ippatsu) [Space Trouble Close Call]
9.  ダンシング・スターシャイン (DANCING STARSHINE)
10. 死と詩 death and poem (shi to shi)
11. さよならの向う側 (sayonara no mukou-gawa) [Otherside of Goodbye]
12. 空から無限大 (sora kara mugendai) [From the Sky to Infinity]

21st Album 不死鳥伝説

This is my trial

Release Date: 10/21/1980
Rank:  4th (Oricon)
Singles:  「一恵」 B-side
Obi:  阿木燿子、宇崎竜童、谷村新司、井上陽水他作家陣による山口百恵ラスト・オリジナル・アルバム (Aki Yoko, Uzaki Ryudo, Tanimura Shinji, Inoue Yosui and other song writers' Yamaguchi Momoe LAST ORIGINAL ALBUM)
Notes:  Track 3 was written by Momoe herself, using the pen name "Yokosuka Kei" (横須賀 恵).  Track 6 was the first and only collaboration with singer-song writer Inoue Yosui.  He self-covered it later on one of his albums.
Opinion:  This wasn't a huge send-off album or anything like that.  She didn't even include her last single.  Listening to this, it has a bit of everything that defines Momoe; something sexy, something funky, something with a rock edge, and of course, some ballads.  She had fun, and this was a fun album that had a sampling of everything she's touched on in her career.

1.  輪廻 (rinne) [Reincarnation]
2.  あやつり人形館 (ayatsuri ningyo-kan) [Marionette House]
3.  想い出のストロベリーフィールズ (omoide no STRAWBERRY FIELDS) [Strawberry Fields of Memories]
4.  琥珀の季節(とき) (kohaku no toki) [Amber Season]
5.  闇の薫り (yami no kaori) [Scent of Darkness]
6.  Crazy Love
7.  Jigsaw Puzzle
8.  神様のおぼし召し (kami-sama no oboshimeshi) [God's Will]
9.  幕間の風景 (makuai no fuukei) [Landscape of an Interlude]
10. 恋は千里眼 (koi ha senrigan) [Love Is Clairvoyance]
11. This is my trial -私の試練- (watashi no shiren)

22nd Album This is my trial