Wednesday, September 7, 2011

ドラマチック - DRAMATIC

Release:  9/1/1978
Rank:  6th (Oricon)
Singles:  「プレイバックPart2」 A-side; 「絶対絶命」 A-side
Obi:  大胆に、そして繊細に奏でる百恵像。  (A bold and subtly played image of Momoe.)
Notes:  While on a music show Track 10 made her cry while she was singing.  Even her recording on the album sounds like she is tearing up.
Opinion:  Like the obi-saying goes, this is an enjoyable album of bold, power songs (like the 2 singles) with sultry, romantic ballads/mid-tempo songs, ever so slightly evoking exotica like the desert, Spain, Egypt, etc.  Very sexy!  Love the album cover.

1.  サンタマリアの熱い風 (SANTA MARIA no atsui kaze) [Hot Wind of Santa Maria]
2.  幻へようこそ (maboroshii e youkoso) [Welcome To The Vision]
3.  蜃気楼 (shinkirou) [Mirage]
4.  絶体絶命 (zettai zetsumei) [A Desperate Situation]
5.  水鏡 (mizu kagami) [Reflection]
6.  ヒ・ロ・イ・ン (HEROINE)
7.  空蝉 (utsusemi) [Shell of the Cicada]
8.  或る女・・・或る日 (aru onna...aru hi) [That Woman...That Day]
9.  霧雨楼 (kiri same-rou) [Misty Rain Tower]
10. ラスト・ソング (LAST SONG)
11. プレイバック part2 (PLAYBACK part2)

15th Album ドラマチック

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