Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Face in a Vision

Release:  4/1/1979
Rank:  3rd (Oricon)
Singles:  「美・サイレント」 A-side
Obi:  出逢いから今日まで 篠山紀信の映像からこんなにも美しい音の世界が生まれた。NHK特集「山口百恵」激写・篠山紀信  (From their meeting till today/From Shinoyama Kishin's photos, this beautiful world of sound is born.  NHK Special "Yamaguchi Momoe Spectacular Photo: Shinoyama Kishin")
Notes:  This album was made with the above noted TV special which aired in 1980.  It came with a 20 page photo book.
Opinion:  This is a cute and very interesting album.  Some tracks are downright weird (Track 1, Track 8).  But there is a touch of concept album in all her tracks, so I can't complain on some of the out-there tracks.  Love the story of Track 6, the disco-ness of Track 7 (and lyrics are cute as well).

1.  マホガニー・モーニング (MAHOGANY MORNING)
2.  愛の行方 (ai no yukue) [Love's Whereabouts]
3.  悲しきドラマー・マン (kanashiki DRUMMER MAN) [Sad Drummer Man]
4.  おだやかな構図 (odayakana kouzu) [Gentle Composition]
5.  美・サイレント (bi・SILENT) [Beauty・Silent]
6.  デイ・ドリーム (DAY DREAM)
7.  ギャルソン・アミ (GARÇON AMI)
8.  喰べられてしまった獏 (taberareteshimatta baku) [Eaten By the Tapir]
9.  水曜日のクオレ (suiyoubi no CUORE) [Wednesday Cuore]
10. 想い出のミラージュ (omoide no MIRAGE) [Mirage of Memories]
11. 夜へ… (yoru e) [To the Night...)

17th Album A Face in a Vision

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