Wednesday, September 21, 2011

パールカラーにゆれて - PEARL COLOR ni yurete

Release:  12/5/1976
Rank:  6th (Oricon)
Singles:  「パールカラーにゆれて」 A & B sides; 「赤い衝撃」 A & B sides
Obi:  ゆれる百恵 青春の真ん中で・・・・・・・・・  (Wavering Momoe/In the middle of youth...)
Notes:  The title can mean "Flickering in Pearl Color".
Opinion:  I think this was the last in a series of "transition" albums for Momoe, from a childish-sounding idol to a true singing star.  She still is singing mostly standard idol fare, actually quite depressing ballads.  But you can hear in her lead single the makings of a classic, and the maturation of her lyrics.  Love the disco-ish Track 3,7 and 10, and the bossa nova-ish Track 6.

1.  パールカラーにゆれて (PEARL COLOR ni yurete) [Flickering In Pearl Color]
2.  ある1ページ (aru ichi PAGE) [One Page]
3.  嘆きのサブウェイ (nageki no SUBWAY) [Subway of Sorrow]
4.  君に涙のくちづけを (kimi ni namida no kuchizuke wo) [Tearful Kiss for You]
5.  雨に願いを (ame ni negai wo) [Wishing On Rain]
6.  モノトーンの肖像画 (MONOTONE no shouzouga) [Monotone Portrait]
7.  赤い衝撃 (akai shougeki) [Red Shock]
8.  愁いノート (urei NOTE) [Sad Note]
9.  青春の翳り (seishun no kageri) [Shade of Youth]
10. 涼やかなひと (suzuyakana hito) [Cool Person]
11. オレンジ・ブロッサム・ブルース (ORANGE BLOSSOM BLUES)
12. 走れ風と共に (hashire kaze to tomo ni) [With the Running Wind]

10th Album パールカラーにゆれて

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